
Kirsten Brooke has found that the key to success in the beauty industry is experience and education. These are her current class offerings. If you are interested in a private class from her, pricing is upon consultation.


Social Media Start-Up

Bring this class to you

Step inside the world of Instagram. This class is created to learn the algorithm and curate a profile to strategically build a following and a clientele. Perfect your content and gain a basis of knowledge on how to take pictures and video that are worth sharing.

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The Art of Editorial Storytelling

Bring this Class to you

Explore creative methods to achieve a editorial looks of all kinds. This class focuses on how to bring inspiration to life while providing technical skill. Learn the process of curating a mood board and utilizing it to execute photoshoots. You will have the opportunity to create a photoshoot as a part of the hands on portion. Let creativity take the lead.